24 May 2018 - Alzheimer's Disease cured with a good diet plus mental and physical exercise and increased interaction with the world. Here

22 Nov 2016. Wu Wei. When we are in alignment ... we don't 'work' at anything. Charlie Parker, one of the great saxophonists, advises "Don't play the saxaphone, let it play you." An article more specific to this point can be found here.

14 Sept 2015 - Investigations into zebra finches, who mate for life, have found that the health or even bare ability to survive of their chicks is directly linked to the finch's ability to choose a mate rather than having being forcibly pared together.

1986 ad 1995. An experiment  looking at the effect of chickens on robot movement.

1986, 1995 - CHICKENS AFFECT ROBOT MOVEMENT - René Peoc'h, french researcher. In his 1986 investigations, Peoc'h established that chickens who had imprinted onto a robot and then placed in a cage in a room where the robot was under a rando…

1986, 1995 - CHICKENS AFFECT ROBOT MOVEMENT - René Peoc'h, french researcher. In his 1986 investigations, Peoc'h established that chickens who had imprinted onto a robot and then placed in a cage in a room where the robot was under a random movement programme, were able to draw the robot closer to the cage. Non-imprinted chickens had no effect on the robot (above diagram). In 1995 Peoc'h extended these experiments. Again using chickens, in this series of experiments he examined whether chickens would be able to draw a robot carrying a light closer to their cage - the experiment took place in a darkened room. Peoc'h hypothesised that as chickens do not like to be in the dark during the day that 'somehow' they would draw the robot closer. (The chickens were not imprinted to the robot.) As in the 1986 experiments, he found that the chickens were able to affect the movement of the robot.